Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sunshine & Roses

Oh Harper, something tells me your going to have SUCH a sense of humor. I have been having braxton hicks contractions all day long. I have also been having something very similar to a contraction, that I will be calling your doctor about tomorrow. ( : I am not due to see Dr. W for another 2 weeks, so you little lady need to be patient, & get cozy because I am not ready for you to arrive. As much as I cant wait to meet you, I couldn't imagine you coming right now. There are so many loose ends that need to be tied up, bills to be payed, LOTS to be bought among a million other things, so please no early escapes! Ok I'm done begging my unborn child to bake a little longer ; )
Because of the massive amount of contractions Ive had I've sat my happy hiney on the couch all day long. A glass of water, a heating pad, and a laptop have been this mommy to bes' best friend today. Ive worked on your registry which I'm having such a hard time with. I am so money conscience that I am putting must haves only, and not all the cutesy things that are fun. (Hopefully I can get over that a bit!) Daddy & I are planning a trip to Tennessee this weekend so hopefully we can go to some stores and finish your registry there. I have also been on Pinterest ( my guilty pleasure ) alot today, I found the cutest drawer set turned into an amoire on there. I have an old drawer set that belonged to your Uncle Andy, my brother, who passed away in 2010 that I believe would be perfect for this project. & I know that he would want me to pass it down to you anyways. While we are in TN this weekend we plan to go visit your great grandparents ( : Which I'm super excited about! We will also be dropping off clothes that belonged to Andy, so that your great grandmothers sister ( i know a mouth full) can make a car seat cover quilt out of his clothes! I can not explain how much this quilt mean to me, and everyone else in our family, and I hope to you one day too. We have so many people to see I just cant contain my excitement! For now though I am going to lay here waiting impatiently for your sweet daddy to get home from work ( : Hopefully tomorrow will be a contraction free day, so I can run errands, but we will see! We love you Harper! ( : ** Also I would like to say thank you to all of the troops, their families, fire fighters, and police officers, and all of the other innocent people that lost their lives 11 years ago today. I pray for all those many people, and everyone affected.**

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