Sunday, September 9, 2012

24 weeks Today!

For you to be such a growing girl Harper, I have stayed relatively the same size. In this picture I was actually 21 weeks, as of today I am 24 weeks, and still the same size. I know by saying this I am going to be eating my words & I'm sure to gain a ton of weight out of no where [ oh please Harper don't do that to mommy! (; ] I have tried very hard to behave with my eating and not eat everything in site... trust me its really hard sometimes! These days though I tend to eat alot of fruits, bananas, watermelons and peaches. Lots of veggies, broccoli & brussel sprouts are my favorites right now. When I snack I try to eat the 100 calorie packs of, well anything really. Its not so much that I don't want to gain weight, because trust me I want to be able to provide you ample room, its just I know it will be a struggle for it to come back off. Ok enough about food, its only reminding me that I need to go fix dinner before your daddy gets home from work!
On another note, your aunt Brandy sent me this darling picture today. Her & your uncle Matthew bought this for you in Georgia, on their way home from vacation. They are Alabama fans too, just like we hope you will be. & For future reference don't mind your silly daddy, he just thinks hes an Auburn fan! haha. I actually bought you the sweetest onesie awhile back, that will be perfect during Auburn game days, it says.. Back Off I'm feeling crabby! & its blue and orange too! I plan on making you a little tutu to go with it. Ok enough picking fun, I know your Daddy will get me for writing that. Today has been a lazy day really, I had such a busy day yesterday that it has been nice just to rest today. I have been working on your baby registry, well attempting too. I know of so many things that I would love to have for you, but its been hard to narrow them all down, and to figure out exactly where I want to register. We have been very blessed to have already received a swing, bouncer, glider, several clothing items, books, a ton of baby lotions & body washes, a play mat, and many other things. I know even though this seems like alot, you will need so much more, but all my little mind can think of is DIAPERS! & lots of them. I have also been setting up other baby shower details, one in particular that I cant wait to share! Daddy & I will be having a little photo shoot this weekend, and well that's all of our little secret I want to share. ( : Mommy & Daddy love you Harper!

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