Friday, September 7, 2012

Finally an update! Almost 24 weeks ( :

The last month has been a whirlwind. You gave us a big scare a few weeks ago, after several days of not feeling movement from you, and mommy being very dizzy, lightheaded and sick, an emergency room trip, and a doctors visit later we were relieved to know that you were doing wonderfully. The doctors explained that I may not feel you as often because your a GROWING GIRL who is quite SQUISHED! On August 24th we went to the doctor and he told us that you are currently 1 pound 5 oz, your little arms and legs are so long. I wonder where you got that from? ( ; With all of the craziness and health issues your daddy & I made the decision to let mommy take a break from working. This has been a huge adjustment for me, I'm so used to working long hours, or multiple jobs so I've been trying to find activities to occupy my time.A few weeks ago I photographed my cousin Auston's senior pictures. We had so much fun doing them & it was really nice to get out of the house. (: & Last weekend I photographed a wedding on the beach! ( With your sweet daddy's help! )
(Here we are at Orange Beach, AL after driving all night long! We were so tired! ) It was such a wonderful experience for both of us, and we really enjoyed being able have a little " honeymoon" of our own, since we did not have one. Other than taking and editing pictures, I have been working on a scrapbook for you! I'm so excited about it & I cant wait to pack it full. As of today I am 23 weeks 5 days along, it seems like time is flying bye! Here is just a quick preview of your scrapbook, for all of mommy & daddy's friends & family (:
We love you Harper & get more excited to meet you every single day ! Lilypie Maternity tickers

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