Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My little gymnast (: & tales of a wonderful weekend

You sure do like doing barrel rolls in my belly! Sometimes I feel like you are planning a great escape of some kind (oh wait you are! [: ) Your mommy has been a very busy lady today, cleaning of course ( & scheming on plans for your nursery!) After finding one crib, and falling in love with it, I realized due to space constraints, that it just wasn't going to be the crib for us. So after more research I found one that I love equally as much. I realize I don't need a changing table for you, and one of the many dressers in our room, will work just as well. : ) So ta da... here it is!
I'm so excited to have this in your nursery (aka our room) I have also, as pregnancy hormones/ law dictates, changed my mind on your stroller/car seat. After much negotiation with your oh so sweet daddy of course. But thankfully we are both happy with the one we chose for you, which is a total win in my book. (: On another good note, your daddy and I (FINALLY) finished your registry, while we were in Tennessee over the weekend. We may have gotten a little to carried away with the registry gun, but it sure was fun to do! In addition to all the registry fun, we had such a wonderful time while on our visit. Mommy got to visit with some of her lovely friends ( that she misses, so much! ) Here are a few
After seeing these lovely ladies ( while your daddy was watching football of course) We visited with family, then went to visit more friends. I'm sad to say, no pictures there, but it was absolutely wonderful to see them too! While we were in TN we also happened to pick up decorations for your baby shower! 39 Days & counting! I cant wait to share all the wonderful things we bought for you, but I want it to be a surprise for now. We also visited with your great grandparents, & got some fun stuff for mommy to start crocheting you sweet little things with. My first attempt will be a hat for you (: I cant wait to see how it turns out. I'm hoping tomorrow that your daddy & I can pick-up a few things, so we can start constructing your nursery. (Fingers crossed) Until then I think I will curl up with my what to expect when your expecting book & head to bed, since your daddy has to work late tonight : ( We love you lots Harper! Lilypie Maternity tickers

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