Monday, September 24, 2012

New shoes & Doctor visits

Mommas got a new pair of shoes. (;
Today has been a wonderful day, your daddy & I had a check-up this morning where we got some exciting news.... We are now set to induce, unless you decide to come on your own, on...(drum roll please). . . December 22, 2012 (: Now why would we be doing this you may wonder, since its only a week before your original due date? Your daddy & I calculated it this morning and we live over 75 miles from the hospital we're due to deliver at, which is a scary reality. We just want to be safe rather than sorry. So do the math & instead of 96 days, we have 89 days...or less! We really are so unbelievably excited though. At your appointment today you had a strong heartbeat & are still favoring my left side something which Dr. W said we will be working on. You must have been feeling feisty today because you kicked the doctor! Hard too, he even stepped back. (haha)
I cant believe we are already 26 weeks along! Here are our stats this week (: I have gained 7 pounds to date even though I look like I'm smuggling a watermelon! So you've guessed it, all my weights in my belly, and I often question where did my feet go. You are currently the size of a head of lettuce, a LARGE head of lettuce is my guess! Current food cravings : brussel sprouts & sonic slushies (YUM!) Favorite activities this week: Being outside, HELLO FALL. (: I have also been a shutterbug lately. Ive also been just generally crafty! I love scrapbooking, and I'm teaching myself to crochet now ( See what I mean? Crafty Crafty Crafty) Best moment this week? : It would have to be getting furniture set up for your nursery! We even have a big space cleared out for your crib to go! Agh! Its starting to become real! Any complaints?: Severe back pain this week, and all those muscle spasms! Heating pad = new best friend. Doc gave us some meds for this so hopefully it will subside soon. Also I wish I could remember to take my prenatal, I forget constantly, which makes me feel like a terrible mom to be. Anything else?: My feet have started to swell, hence why momma got a new pair of shoes (: I'm seriously not going to complain though, I've never liked my shoe size much anyways, and its kinda nice to get a little treat every now & then (Even better on clearance! Score!) Goals this week: Clean out summer clothes, & declutter, well everything we don't use anymore. & to take more belly & mommy & daddy pictures. it wont be just us for long (: We go back in two weeks for the ever lovely glucose test, and my first 3rd trimester check-up! Yay!! We love you Harper & can not wait to meet you!

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! Loved reading some of your posts! You don't have a GFC widget, so I can't follow you! Aw! =/

    Feel free to come over and visit my blog sometime! :)

    ♥ Shar
