Saturday, September 8, 2012

My thoughts for you...

I think of you often my darling little girl, and in these thoughts I wonder what is it that I want for you, for your life, for the future of our family. Here are some of the many things I want for you. First and Foremost, I want you to be healthy. You have the heart of a fighter and I know that you will be a strong minded and strong willed little girl. I honestly couldn't imagine you any other way. I want you to be independent, the kind that drives your daddy & I crazy because you always want to do things on your own. I want you to want to pull my pots and pans out and make LOTS of noise. I want you to want to dress yourself with your shoes on the wrong feet, and hair in a mess. I want you to be helpful. I would love for you to be under my feet in the kitchen wanting to help me bake cookies, or cook dinner. I want you to want to help daddy & I around the house, and learn that we appreciate all the little things you do. I want you to be caring and loving. I'm often accused of having a huge heart, and I want the same for you. While there are times that caring as much as I do is more of a curse than a blessing, I would still want you to care & love with all of your heart. I want you to want to learn. I love to read, and its something I hope you like too, Music is also a huge influence for your daddy & I, and I hope you experience the same joy from it as we do.
I want you to have faith, and to be faithful. I want you to want a relationship with God. I want you to love going to church, and reading stories, singing songs & praising him. I want you to pray, often, and know that God will guide you in good times and in bad. Many many years from now I want for you to be a faithful and loving partner to the man of Gods choosing. (Like I said many many many years will be just fine by me.) I want you to be active and adventurous. My hope for you is that you love sports (Especially Alabama Football! ), and want to play every sport imaginable. I also want you to love nature, and really appreciate the beauty of it.Daddy & I both love being outdoors, and hiking & I really would love if you did too(: I hope you want to ride your tricycle all around the driveway, and not be afraid to scrape your knee a time or two (or 30). I want you to be silly and kind of quirky. Your daddy is the funniest person I know, and he keeps me laughing constantly. I hope you have a least a little of his sense of humor, well certain parts anyways. I want you to smile and dance around, and sing silly songs and not care what others think of you. To have confidence in yourself, and have a positive body imagine. Its so hard these days to have a positive body imagine with how the media is, and I can only imagine what it will be like when your a teenager, but I hope you can put that fear aside and shine through any negativity. Your daddy & I want the world for you Harper. I cant wait to help you grow and discover, and learn all about life, love & faith. We love you baby girl & we can't wait to meet you!

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