Monday, December 31, 2012


Wow what a year this has been, 2012 brought your daddy & I so many wonderful things but more than anything else it brought us you. You are a whole 2 weeks old today, and I can not believe it! I thought I'd take a moment out of our day to say what I would like to see for our little family of 3 within the New Year. . . Firstly I hope our little family continues to stay healthy, I know this is something that is easily taken for granted, especially in the winter when it seems like everyone we know has the flu! Secondly, I wish for only growth in love between your amazing daddy & I and for you to spoiled in it too : ). Third of all, and I say this with lots of love Harper but mommy wants to lose this remaining baby weight! I have big plans to run & work my butt of with the new year, I WILL be running in atleast one 5k, 10k and a 1/2 marathon this year! I making it a promise to myself & to you. & I will be helping your sweet daddy get into shape as well (: Fourth, I wish for growth in careers for both your daddy & I. I love my photography business and I would love to see it grow! & if it continues to do so I would be able to continue to staying home with you, which I would LOVE! I look forward to taking you with me on photoshoots! you = mini assistant ( : Your daddy also has some big career goals and more than anything I hope he accomplishes them, but I have all the faith in the world in him that he will. Last but certainly not least I hope to grow our relationship with God. I cant wait to take you to church and to see you grow-up learning about & loving the Lord. I could go on & on about what i'd like to see for you & for the future but for tonight I am happy to be snuggling with you & your sweet daddy! Your daddy & I love you so much Harper & we cant wait to see you 2013 has in store for all of us! (: P.S.- You have grown 2 inches already! Such a big girl ♥

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