Friday, January 4, 2013

Starting the year off right ♥

2013 is already off to a good start (: On the first day of the new year we went and visited with your grandma & grandpa to eat lots of yummy cabbage, black eyed peas,succotash & cornbread (Gotta love southern cooking!) While we were there we weighted you, and I weighted myself for the first time since before you were born. You weighted 7 lbs 3 oz & have gained 1 lb since we left the hospital. We also measured you,& your now 20 inches long with a growth of 2 inches! I am one VERY proud momma! All the semi sleepless nights, & 2.5-3 hour feedings are so worth it! As for me I have lost 15 pounds (: I still have a lot left to lose and still have some swelling I hope goes away soon but I am very happy.
(Us on January 1st at Grandmas) You lost your umbilical cord 1/3/13 & I couldn't be happier. I knew it would be happening soon and am very thankful it has. Your enjoying tummy time & diaper changes so much more now too! This also means that you will be able to have your first real bath any day now! & I am super excited about it!! You also went to visit the doctors office for the first time the other day, mommy had an appointment & you slept the whole time we were there. After giving birth I began to have horrible migraines and alot of pain in my back, which we believed to be spinal headaches, after our appointment yesterday we were relieved to know that I actually just have a bruised bone in my back from the epidural. Dr W popped my neck & back and I am already feeling a little better, but I go back to the doctor the 23rd of this month so hopefully by then all the pain will be gone. & for another first..WE . . . YOU & I went grocery shopping all by ourselves! woo hoo. Sounds silly I know but one day, a million years done the road when your a mom you will understand how momentous that really is. Mommy's car is finally in the repair shop! Yipee. We have been driving around your grandpas truck since you were born (daddy's truck has no where to put a carseat.)& I am very ready to have my car back, it'll be so much easier to take you places.On another note your sweet daddy is sick, again : / & I have had to lock him away in our bedroom, ok not lock away but he is being quarantined especially from you. I know your not going to like this though because you sure do love your daddy & love it when he holds you! You get the BIGGEST smile on your face. Hopefully though he will get to feeling better really soon. (: Well little miss I know I didn't write much today, but this headache is getting the best of me. A quick nap curled up with you on the couch sounds like the best medicine to me. Your daddy & I love you so so very much Harper!

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