Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December 17th, 2012

Is the day a beautiful little miracle came into our lives. At 3:20 in the afternoon Harper Lynn made her arrival, weighting in at 6lbs 8oz and 18 inches long. She has her daddy's nose,chin and ears; her mommas eyes, mouth and hair line. She is brown headed like her mother, with straight hair like her daddy. She has the biggest, brightest eyes that will most likely turn hazel like them both. She has her mothers calm nature, but her daddy's temper. She is long and skinny just like her daddy; and has two birthmarks just like her momma. She has her mothers hands; and daddy's feet.She is the perfect blend between the two of us and we couldn't be more in love.
At 4:30 in the morning we arrived at the hospital, we knew it was time. By 5:30 a.m we had been admitted and an IV had been started, by 5:45 the pitosen had been started as I continued to dilate from a 1.5, in just 15 short minutes I was already dilated to a 2. An hour later, at 7 I had reached 2.5 centimeters dilated and 90 percent effaced. Time seemed to stand still for the next few hours, I had been given medicine to help the pain from back labor, and it made me very sleepy. We had a few visitors during that time, your grandfather and his wife, your grandmother and aunt, your grandfather and great grandmother, along with lots of nurses and doctors. By 10:15 I had dilated to a 4 and was given an epidural and a catheter, 11:10 rolled around and my water was broken. By 1:00 in the afternoon I had dilated to a 6 and had become fully effaced. The told me that you were in complete position by 2:00 as I was dilated to a 6.5.
By 2:30 I was between an 8.5 to a 9, and have to have my epidural increased twice. The doctor was then called. At 3:00 in the afternoon I began pushing. After a blessed 5 hours of full labor and 20 minutes of pushing you made your grand entrance into this world. Your daddy held my hand and stood right there beside me encouraging me the entire time. You didn't cry when you came into this world instead you bit the doctor on his finger, to which he stated, 'looks like you wont be a vegetarian like your momma!' Which of course made everyone laugh. But in an instant I began to cry, because they laid you on my belly and I got to look at you for the very first time. I can not explain how I felt in that moment other than I was in heaven. They took you quickly away though, because you still had not began to cry, I knew you were just fine though, just dazed from all the epidural medicine. After checking all your vitals, and stats your daddy was able to snap a few pictures of you to which he left the room to show all our family.While he was gone, and I was finishing delivery a nurse was attempting to make you cry, mean ole woman pinched your foot and your my little spit fire punched her!
After I was finished with delivery they handed you to to me once again. It seemed like no more than a second had gone by when your grandad (my dad) walked into the room. He was completely elated to be the first one to see you. He literally could not stop smiling, shortly after our room was filled with family, and as quickly as they came it seemed they all left. Your were taken to the nursery...were all the family migrated too, as I was being prepped to move rooms. They allowed me to eat a quick meal though, & trust me little one after 13 hours of no food, your mommy was hungry. (Broccoli & cheese potato and a salad...yum!)
In a normal vaginal delivery they make the new mommies walk from the delivery room the recovery room, but because I had 3 dozes of epidural medicine I was unable to move or feel anything from my belly down. I had to be transferred to my new room on my bed. Even beforehand while they were setting me up for delivery I was so unable to feel or move my legs that the nurses had to do it for me. It seemed like the nursery kept you for hours, mommy was able to eat (twice) before we saw you again. When they finally brought you back to us your Aunt Kelly & Uncle Jason stopped by to meet you, aunt Kelly had been there the whole day, but wanted to see you again. I believe they stayed about an hour, but we took lots of pictures while they were there.
The rest of the night comes and goes, I know they took you back to the nursery around 10 o'clock, because I was still not able to get around by myself. A few hours later I was able to get cleaned up in a whirlpool tub (something I miss now![;) I know shortly after your daddy & I both went to sleep, I don't remember what time we woke up the next day or how many nurses and doctors we saw, all that was important to us was seeing you again. It was almost like a wonderful dream that we were trying to wake up from. Your grandpa (my dad) & grandma (daddy's mom) stopped by sometime that afternoon to see you again. They are both beside themselves to be grandparents (your grandma a two time grandparent this year!)
When they, or anyone else in our family look at you I can see how much they love you and it warms my heart. Dr. W came to visit us again while we were in the hospital and he kept saying how amazed he was with how much like daddy & me both you look, he said he believed it was because your daddy & I are truly made for one another, and because we have such a harmonious relationship. (: Needless to say we adore your delivery doctor. He was even sweet enough to take a picture with you! Your pediatrician Dr.S stopped by several times to check on you, during labor mommy had to be put on oxygen because you or I neither one were getting enough. Even after birth you were put on oxygen for a small amount of time because your hands and feet were blue. The gave us a technical name for it, but said that it was of no danger to you and would go away on its on (which it has).
The next day we were able to bring you home,it was the sweetest thing to see our now 6lb 3oz baby (you lost 5oz in the hospital) tucked into this big ole car seat. It was late in the afternoon but your grandma game over to help us in, and to hold onto your 'big brother' Shorty, a 25+ pound fiest/terrier mix that has become your guard dog! You did fantastic on your first car ride and slept the entire way home!

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