Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Your First Week! ♥ .. & then some

We settled in to being home rather well (: I washed up all our laundry from the hospital, tried to put everything back in its place, and make dinner on the night we came home.I know that I over did it, but I so desperately wanted you to come home and our time together to be spent cuddling rather than mommy running around like a crazy person, so I took advantage of the fact that you were sleeping.
That night you slept in your crib and continued to keep on the schedule we've set for you, while mommy was unable to sleep and stayed awake all night standing over your crib or picking you up and holding you close...while crying my eyes out I must add. I just honestly couldn't believe you had finally made it here, my pregnancy felt like it lasted a lifetime and while it was by no means the easiest I wouldn't trade a single second of it now that we have you here. Our second day went incredibly smooth, your ate, slept, dirtied diapers, and enjoyed tummy time but your second night was anything but smooth. You my sweet baby had a horrible belly ache that kept you & I awake most of the night, it was well into the next day before you were back to your happy self.
The next few days we continued to settle in, having to run errands and go back to the doctor for blood work. You had to have your jaundice levels check, which you do have a very mild case of. I nearly cried when they drew your blood, had your daddy not been standing there holding me I would have.. you my little brave thing slept the whole way through though. We had company alot those few days, even having your grandma & grampa (daddy's side) come by for dinner and Christmas gift exchange & we even when to visit with your great grandma and grandpa. On Saturday & Sunday your grandma & great grandma (my mom/gma)came down from TN to meet you. I wished so badly they could have come for your birth, but they were both sick and we couldn't take any chances. We really enjoyed them coming to visit, getting to meet you and exchanging Christmas gifts, I know that both of them couldn't get over you. (:
On Christmas Eve (Monday) miss Harper you turned 1 week old, and I'm not going to lie, my heart broke a bit. I know that in the blink of an eye you will be 1, then 5 and starting school,then 10 entering into your long anticipated 'double digits', then 13 and entering those talking back teenage years, then getting your first car, and going to prom (by yourself because you still wont be allowed to date! daddy's rule not mine![: ) graduating high school then going off to college. I know that you will grow up way before I'm ready for it to happen that's for sure! We celebrated Christmas today with your great grandma, grampa, aunt Brandy & uncle Matthew (who came in from TN & couldn't wait to meet you!) great uncle Jerry (who came in from TX), and had your great aunt Janice, cousin Jud and his fiance Wendy all stop by to meet you too! You got so much stuff for your first Christmas, I believe I will be unpacking gift bags & boxes for days!
I have to say Harper that your daddy is everything I could have ever imagined and so much more, not only as my husband but as your father. He loves you SO much and I have been reduced to tears a few times just watching the two of you together. He doesn't mind feeding you, or changing your diaper and often times helps me dress you in the mornings. He loves to snuggle with you, talk and sing to you, and play with you too. He is the love of my life, and you my little darling have stolen his heart a million times over and already have him wrapped around your little fingers whether he likes to admit it or not. Your daddy told me tonight that he thinks I am a fantastic mother, of course once again making me cry, his comment really means so much to me because I want nothing more in this life other than to be a good mother to you.
I want you to grow up and be proud to call me your mom, to come to me over the years as a friend not only as a daughter, to know that even though you wont always get your way or have every thing you want that you will always be provided with what you need. I want you to grow up wanting to find a love like your daddy & I have, honest and forgiving, passionate and whole hearted. To have faith in God, faith in this world, faith in us but most of all faith in yourself. I am so happy that you have made your grand entrance into this world Harper you are everything I imagined you being and so incredibly much more!
We had such a blessed Christmas day, surrounded by family. You received so many nice things for your first Christmas, needless to say you are well stocked on clothes & toys for awhile (: Mommy & daddy still have a few things we'd like to get you though. My favorite gift, other than you of course has to of been the charms for my Pandora bracelet. Your daddy bought me the bracelet last year for our first Christmas, with a charm of an angel in memory of your uncle Andy. This year I was blessed to get a baby carriage from your grandma (my mom), a block letter H from your great grandma (my mawmaw) & a camera from your aunt Brandy.
I am normally not one for material things, but this means so much to me. The entire time I was in the hospital, and waiting on your arrival I wore my bracelet, then with just the angel to have a little piece of my brother there with us..watching over us. I think about him alot, well even more now that your here. I know he would love you so incredibly much. I'm not sure I ever mentioned it or not but my maternity pictures were done in a sweater of his, it was actually an accident because I forgot an undershirt but I feel like it made our pictures even more special & meaningful. I have been planning your newborn pictures, over and over in my head. I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a nice (warmer) sunny day and we can get over to your great grandmas house to do them. I can't wait really! For now though I am about to wake your sweet little self up and cuddle with you before your next feeding, as we wait for your sweet daddy to get home from work.
Your daddy & I love you so very much love bug & we look forward to everyday that we are blessed enough to spend with you (:

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