Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time Well Spent

After my last post I made drafts of the other letters I had written with big plans of posting the series within days of each other; but other things intervened.

Harpers' MiMi & Great-Granny came to visit us the 19th thru the 21st of January and we had a wonderful time visiting and shopping about town. I noticed though something just didn't seem right with Harper, she began sleeping a lot, and within a few days we noticed a rattling in her chest. I kept praying it would just run its course, but it didn't, it only got worse. After consulting Harpers' Popaw, Great Mawmaw and Nana(ner) James and I knew we needed to see a doctor. The problem was though Harper no longer had a pediatrician; the one we had selected months before little misses arrival wouldn't accept our insurance and with fear it would be days before we could be seen by another pediatrician we opted to go to the emergency room.
 We went to the hospital on January 24th that Harper was born at, hoping to find out what was going on with our sweet girl. After X-Rays, multiple doctors, RSV test, Flu test, an IV (after 2 attempts) we were told we were being admitted. James and I didn't really understand at first what was going on, then an ER nurse told us our baby girl had RSV. My heart sank, the only thing I had ever read about it talked about how dangerous to infants it is, and at 5 weeks old we were so afraid of how her little immune system would handle it. Our little girl is a fighter though, hands down. Treatment would consist of Harper being in a croup tent, and breathing treatments multiple times a day.

Harper was to stay in the croup tent most of the day, and was to only come out for feedings, changes and quick play times. James had to leave for work right after they told us we would be admitted, and I was alone with HL for no more than an hour before Nana, Aunt Kelly & Uncle Jason came to sit with us. I have never been so thankful to see them. I was so scared, and so emotional about the entire situation; now I know there are millions of sweet babies that are so much worse then Harper ever was but it is so hard to see your child, a helpless baby be uncomfortable in any way. I seriously don't know how my sister-in-law dealt with our sweet niece being in the hospital so long, she's a hell of a strong woman, and that little girl is the Miracle that her name suggests.

Regardless though, this was my view while sitting at HL bedside. I felt weak for crying because I knew I needed to be strong for our princess, even with family around me I wanted my husband, and my daughter to be at home, far far away from the cold hospital.
Harper spent a lot of time holding my hand
          Playing with Popaw ( who stayed with us for hours on end. )
Being sang to, You Are My Sunshine, which is HLs new favorite song. Seriously I sang it over a hundred times. & being read too. (Since Harpers wonderful nana brought us some of our books from home, as well as new clothes for mommy [: & took care of Shorty for us.)
                             Cuddling with Mommy & Daddy.
   & after 4 days we began to see the smile return to our baby girls face.

The staff at the hospital was INCREDIBLE they were so helpful and so kind to us, even willing to give us a new room after the air conditioner went out in ours, with a shower in it.The new room was the only one in that wing with a shower, and they knew how desperately I wanted to take one, but just wouldn't leave our baby girl. Harpers Popaw, Nana, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncles Jason and Jessie and Aunt Kelly all kept us company during our stay, and while James had to continue to work. (We love yall!)

& A sincere special Thank You to my wonderful husband and Harpers' daddy, for working hard everyday and even working overtime while we were in the hospital. I know you didn't want to be there, or to leave us at all but you did it anyways just so you could continue to provide for our little family. We love you SO much Daddy! Your the Best!

We also received so many calls from family and friends, as well as texts and facebook messages and comments. It humbled me to have so many people care so much for my little family, and our precious little girl. Harper was and still is the center of so many prayer chains. Our hospital stay lasted 5 days, and on the 28th of January we returned home to find HLs Mimi and Great Granny waiting on us. They stayed just a few days but they helped me clean, clean and reclean the entire house from top to bottom. Our days are slowly but surely returning to normal as HLs congestion continues to dissipate. She is still on breathing treatments everyday and will be for awhile but we are due to see a new pediatrician (one who accepts our insurance. yay!) in the coming weeks. Harper is now 7 weeks 3 days old, and is growing steadily. She weighed 10 pounds when we left the hospital and measured right at 22 inches long. Its amazing to me to see our beautiful little girl grow, and begin to find her voice...& toes! Today was actually the first time since returning home from the hospital that Harper was ready to do tummy time (due to congestion we were unable for fear she may choke) and while we had to do it in intervals she really did wonderfully. She has begun once again to finish her bottles, which I am so thankful for. The last 2 days Harper has been extra loving and trust me that's saying a lot!
Holding our hands ever chance she gets, & even signing I Love You! Promise she did this on her own! (: I am so thankful every single day that I get to stay home and watch our precious little lady. Ever single day is Time Well Spent.

Mommy & Daddy love you HL so so soooo very much!  

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