Thursday, February 14, 2013

A day full of Love

                                                    Today is Valentines Day
                                              Even if you won't remember it ,
                            we wanted to make sure your 1st one was very special.
Our day started off with a little of this
(Which we sent to your Grand & Great Grandparents all 9 of them! )
We then got your dressed & ready for the day. Lets just say removing all that lipstick was a challenge!
We exchanged Valentines Gifts (:

Daddy sold his pick-up truck that he once loved so dearly, but don't worry it's a good thing. Since your wonderful daddy did so we were able to almost completely pay off mommy's car. Once my car is paid off we will be trading it for something bigger! Yay more room for all of us, which trust me little lady we desperatly need. After running to the bank and such the three of us went to have lunch. You slept peacefully while daddy & I ate mexican food ( his'll learn this..oneday) We then ran to your Nana(ers) house, visted with her and exchanged Valentines gifts. She made your daddy and I these really neat gift baskets. She is really crafty, and always amazes us with what she can make. You  really do love her so much, you always make the sweetest faces to her ( : The rest of the day fell to our normal routine. Daddy went to work, you and I played, sang, danced (..ok maybe I danced but it made you smile, so that's all that matters) , read books, took a nap, took a bath and just enjoyed our day.
You also took a picture with me, which is becoming harder to do because you like to be a wiggle worm (:

That night you looked like this..

Your shirt & Mommy's chocolates came from Popaw!
                             If your wondering, no you do not sleep in bows,
                                      but I put them on in pictures,
 to hide the one little spot on your head that doesn't have much hair
because you look so darn cute in them

All in all we had a wonderful day, and considering how much you smiled I'd have to guess that you did too. We love you little lady. To the moon and back, and back again.


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