Monday, February 11, 2013

Gettin' so big ♥

Where Oh Where Did My Little Baby Go
Oh Where Oh Can She Be

                            Your a whopping TWO Months Old today
                                       & while it breaks my heart
              I couldn't be more proud of you & to be your Mommy (:

 You now weigh over 10 pounds ( 11.5 if I had to guess) & are most defiantly over 22 inches long. We go to the doctor on Monday, so I am sure we will get all of your stats then.

You have changed so much just in a months time. When you were a month old you looked like me, now at two months you are the spitting image of your daddy (Which I love) Your head full of hair is getting longer by the day, and is now reaching past your collar in the back. It's also begging to curl! (: You love to smile & you even have a little dimple on your right cheek. Right now your loving tummy time, being read too, music (classical, praise & worship, and country mostly), cuddling, riding in the car, & mimicking. You loves to stick your tongue out at us, and you think its so funny when we do it back. You are still taking 4 ounces every 3 to 4 hours and are sleeping around 4 hours at a time.

 We have had some big things going on in our household lately & I am so excited to share them with you. Mommy is now a college student, after years of wanting to go, I am finally able too. I am getting my degree in Business with a minor in Marketing with the hopes of growing my photography business. My hope is that I will be able to make a full-time career from my business (& allow you to be my little assistant). I am also planning to accelerate my education so I am able to finish faster, but as of right now I will graduate in March of 2017, you will be 4 years old then. I really want to complete my degree while you are still little so that it will have a greater impact on you, and our little family, but not effect your upbringing. We were able to go to Tennessee over this past weekend where I was able to share the good news with our family and friends. I also had two photo shoots which ended up being my first ones, other than your newborn pictures that I have done since November. After the shoots we enjoyed family time where you got to meet your Great Papaw & GiGi ( great granny) for the first time. You also got to meet Mommy's childhood neighbors Mrs. Geri & Matt, as well as my "Uncle" Rick and "cousin" Ricky. (While they may not be my real uncle and cousin, I have never known them as anything else & you sure did love them. ) You also got to meet Mommy's friends which I loved every second of.

Aunties: Melody, Amber (& Laylah) Drea and Alyssa.
These girls are some of my very best friends & it was so wonderful to be able to sit down together and eat dinner and visit. I have missed them all so much! It was also really fun to have daddy join us for dinner, he was such a good sport to hang out with 7 woman but we all had so much fun. You were fascinated by Laylah, and she was you. We haven't seen Laylah since she was 2, almost 3 months old, and haven't seen these girls since October at my TN baby shower.

Laylah kept putting her little arm around you! Best Friends already!

Aunt Amber showing what us Mommas do best, Multi-task!

Aunt Alyssa & Drea ( :
Aunt Melody ( :
Aunt Amber & Laylah. Its so hard to believe you girls are 4 months apart just like Amber & I are! But its so cool.
Aunt Amber nearly brought mommy to tears this weekend, I will become Laylah God-Mother at her Christianising very soon. Can you believe it? What an Honor! Love them, and all these girls.

One of my photo shoots this weekend was for another one of my favorite people, my old roommate Brooke.  Oh my goodness did Aunt Brooke ever love you. I hate to say I don't have an individual picture of the two of you, but here is one of the entire group after their glamour shots. Aunt Jessica thought you were pretty neat too ( :
Aunt Jessica (far left) Aunt Brooke (far right)

We also got to have breakfast on Sunday with Aunt Kayla, and Aunt Amber and Laylah, but you were a little fussy because you had been held by 16 people the day before and were sore! So we didn't get pictures, but after breakfast we went and visited with Ambers memaw and poppa, who have always been an extra set of grandparents for mommy. Everyone always talks about how wonderful you are!


We had such a busy but wonderful weekend! It's crazy to me that not only was this your first trip to TN but it was also your first multi state trip. On Friday you and I were in 3 states! AL, MS & TN! But you did fantastic and we were so proud.

         Daddy and I love you baby girl to the moon & back, and back again!

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