Monday, January 14, 2013

Oh Baby! ( :

Holy Moly where has the time gone? Your already a month old! So whats our little lady up too these days? Harper is now taking a 4 oz bottle every 3 hours or so & sleeps 3-4 hours at a time at night. She weights over 8 lbs, and is over 20 inches long; & has grown so much since we've been home shes almost completely outgrown her newborn clothing (in length!) Harper almost always has a smile on her face (unless hungry) and loves to make noises & funny faces at James & I. She likes bath time, tummy time, hanging out in her bouncy seat, snuggling,music and taking naps on mommy & daddys bed; dislikes diaper changes, waiting on her bottle, and hiccups (which she has alot!) We have such a happy & loving little lady and can't believe she is already a month old! We love you Harper!

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