Monday, December 31, 2012


Wow what a year this has been, 2012 brought your daddy & I so many wonderful things but more than anything else it brought us you. You are a whole 2 weeks old today, and I can not believe it! I thought I'd take a moment out of our day to say what I would like to see for our little family of 3 within the New Year. . . Firstly I hope our little family continues to stay healthy, I know this is something that is easily taken for granted, especially in the winter when it seems like everyone we know has the flu! Secondly, I wish for only growth in love between your amazing daddy & I and for you to spoiled in it too : ). Third of all, and I say this with lots of love Harper but mommy wants to lose this remaining baby weight! I have big plans to run & work my butt of with the new year, I WILL be running in atleast one 5k, 10k and a 1/2 marathon this year! I making it a promise to myself & to you. & I will be helping your sweet daddy get into shape as well (: Fourth, I wish for growth in careers for both your daddy & I. I love my photography business and I would love to see it grow! & if it continues to do so I would be able to continue to staying home with you, which I would LOVE! I look forward to taking you with me on photoshoots! you = mini assistant ( : Your daddy also has some big career goals and more than anything I hope he accomplishes them, but I have all the faith in the world in him that he will. Last but certainly not least I hope to grow our relationship with God. I cant wait to take you to church and to see you grow-up learning about & loving the Lord. I could go on & on about what i'd like to see for you & for the future but for tonight I am happy to be snuggling with you & your sweet daddy! Your daddy & I love you so much Harper & we cant wait to see you 2013 has in store for all of us! (: P.S.- You have grown 2 inches already! Such a big girl ♥

Friday, December 28, 2012

Lazy Days

It's a wet and dreary day here, and you & your sweet daddy are napping so I thought I'd write about something that's been on my mind since we left the hospital. This post unlike my others is more advise for other moms to be, as well as a good reference if daddy & I decide to provide you with some siblings down the line.

1) Take a deep breath, ok I know it sounds silly but seriously you will blink and your pregnancy will be nearing its end. It was the first week of May when James & I found out we were expecting Harper, from that point on I remember telling our families,the day we found out we were having a girl, the day my best friends found about our little princess,Marrying my wonderful husband (:, the day I announced my pregnancy on facebook (Ok yes I know that it's a silly memory but honestly I was very nervous about announcing it. Yes Harper was conceived out of wedlock, but she was not conceived without alot of love. James and I both knew we wanted to get married and have a family of our own..someday, but we both feel like God had a bigger plan for us and knew it was the right time to bring Harper into our lives. Hence my favorite saying, everything happens for a reason. Now what does this have to do with facebook? Considering the amount of family and friends I have on my page I was extremely worried about the negative comments I thought I'd receive. Because when your pregnant the slightest thing can make you cry, well like a baby. The judgemental comments never happened for me though, for which I am very thankful. With that said, stand your ground, not everyone may be all giddy that your pregnant but don't let others comments effect you. ) After announcing my pregnancy on facebook it seemed like time flew bye, our baby showers seem to stand out next and then Harper's arrival. I never thought 9 months could come and go so quickly.

2) Accept others advice but remember it is just that OTHERS advices. Only you know how you want to raise your child. (I think that's enough explanation there.)

3) Understand all aspects of labor and delivery. I had braxton hicks contractions as early as I believe 21 weeks with Harper, and I also had back spasms, and back labor for most of my pregnancy. Understand what that is, and how to treat it, seriously otherwise you will be in pain which is no fun at all. Understand how long labor can last, I was beyond blessed that I was only in labor for 5 hours and only had to push for 20 minutes, I know now that this is not typical for first time moms, and even for moms with multiple children. EAT! Ok another one I know that sounds silly, but it was over 12 hours between meals for me when I had Harper and trust me I was starving! The hospital will let you have ice chips that it, now I am not saying go eat a massive meal when your in labor because you will not like the consequences, eat a breakfast bar a banana, something light but filling. Do your research on epidurals! I can not stress this one enough, I have no idea why I though an epidural was just a shot in the back that magically made all your pain go away, umh no. Its an injection of wonderful numbing medicine through a catheter placed into your spine, leaving a small pic line that allows for doctors, nurses whoever to administer more epidural meds during labor. I nearly flipped my lid when I saw a line coming out of my back, seriously. While I do not regret having an epidural I do regret how much medicine I allowed them to give me. I had 3 rounds of epidural medicine in me when I delivered Harper, don't get me wrong I didn't feel a thing, like literally not a thing. I could not feel anything from the top of my belly down. The nurses has to put my legs in the stirrups for me and upon having Harper she didn't cry. I honestly believe it was from so much medication, because trust me my little lady can cry. It took over 6 hours before I was able to stand up by myself, let alone walk. & I never knew that there is something called a spinal headache, resulting from an epidural. After delivery I began having horrible migraines and being very light headed, lying down only makes me feel like the room is spinning, when I have one of these moments I have to sit straight up, drinking some form of caffeine in a dark room.I have to be careful of how I sit, stand, even roll out of bed, I'm managing but it is something that I never thought could happen. One last thing here, check with your hospital to see if they will provide you with ice packs. Ours used baby diapers filled with ice, and trust me it will help you SO much after delivery.

4) You will bleed, its a tmi thing I know but seriously its a major part of it so be prepared. The hospital will provide (ours did at least) mesh underwear and pads use them. Mine were boy shorts and weren't uncomfortable, regardless it was nice not to have to dirty the ones I had brought from home because that's just more laundry you will have to do afterward. & having a baby increases your laundry ALOT! Talk with the nurses about clotting, know how much is to much and what you should expect once you get home. Also stock up on pads not only from the hospital but of an everyday brand; you will use them I promise. Final note here, remember pitocin makes you swell, I look huge in all my predelivery pictures! I had no idea how swollen my face got till I saw the pictures days later.

 5) Make time for yourself, both before the baby is born and after. It is hard, even harder to do when your little bundle(S) arrive but you have to take time for yourself for your own mental/emotional well being. I read so much the last 2 weeks before Harper arrived, messed with her scrapbook, painted, shopped (which resulted in swollen feet of course) and found activities to make me happy & keep me occupied. Now that I am on the reverse end I can honestly say it only gets harder. Naps and long showers are a luxury, without my husband I don't know how I would make it. I have gotten the most relaxation "me time" from the simplest of things. I colored my hair for the first time in over a year, I take a long shower or bath while shes napping or hubby's watching her. I get up everyday and get dressed, I may not always put my make-up on but it still makes me feel more human. I still haven't driven or even left the house by myself, but I am working towards that.

 6) Don't forget about your significant other, make sure they still feel wanted, loved and appreciated too (especially important after baby arrives). I leave little notes for James all time, make sure to tell him thank you and how much I appreciate & love him everyday. I make his favorite meals, and let him sleep late when I can because other than the fact I love him unconditionally and he is my husband, he is also the father of my child, and without him I would never have been blessed with her.

 7) When preparing for baby have some help, seriously. My doctor threatened me with bed rest, and put me on it so many times because I wouldn't behave. Its not easy cleaning a house when your newly pregnant and nauseous all the time.. imagine how it feels at 9 months when your carrying a 6+ pound baby around, don't be afraid to ask for help! Personally I totally sucked at this because I didn't want to seem needy, or unable to provide for my family but I paid for my foolishness a few times by going into preterm labor.With that said when you do start to arrange the nursery be as organized as possible. It has been a lifesaver to be able to easily find whatever I may need in the middle of the night when I may or may not have a cooperative baby on my hands. I have all of her blankets in one place, clothes sorted by size, diapers and wipes easily reachable etc. Also realize the laundry, dusting, dishes can wait. I am a neat freak plain & simple and its been hard to see my once spotless house because less tidy, but I have also realized that all of that is not important, spending time with my family is. James & I select a day, that were both home to clean up the house. Its nice to tag team certain projects & helps us get done just that much faster. Also one of the best pieces of advice I received was to premake meals. It has been such a God send to go into my freezer and pull out a healthy meal for James and I on days I don't have the energy to prepare a full meal. My crock pot is seriously becoming my new best friend, and now that I know how to do freezer meals I will continue to do so in the future.

8) Buy nursing bras whether you plan to breastfeed or not, trust me when I say I tried too skip this part, but ended up paying for it in swollen & bruised tatas. & When it comes to buying clothing during pregnancy don't skip out on buying a few nice things. I bought 2 pair of jeans and 2 shirts. . . but was blessed to receive garbage bags full of clothes ( which I am now passing onto others). But it is nice to feel pretty in your clothing especially when you feel like a beached whale.

9) Speaking of clothes, have you considered what to pack for the hospital? Here is what I packed that I actually used: 1 pair of jeans (that I wore to the hospital & to come home in) 2 shirts (one I wore into the hospital, and one out. I could have easily re worn the shirt I wore to the hospital because I had just changed out of my pjs but I used it as a back up shirt in case my other got dirty.) 1 to 2 nursing bras (I did not have these at the time I gave birth I had one regular bra that caused me a ton of discomfort.) 2 to 3 pairs of underwear (now I didn't use mine I used the hospitals but just in case you don't like the ones they provide you with). Toothbrush/paste, deodorant, face wash basically your everyday essentials. Nursing bra pads for when you start leaking. I also packed clothing for Harper, this was a personal choice but I'm very glad I did it. I packed her 3 outfits and 1 sleeper. 2 outfits for the day and one as her coming home outfit. I also packed a variety of sizes, Harper is very small so even newborn clothes swallow her, so the large 0 to 3 months I packed was out of the question, hence why its good to pack a variety! Now to what I packed a shouldn't have: Any type of sleepwear, you will be in a hospital gown from the moment you arrive until right before you leave there is no need to pack anything extra, new shoes of any kind. . . my feet were to swollen to even fit the new house shoes I brought! Pads, like I said the hospital will prove you with some. Now to my extras list, this is things I brought & was so thankful I took : Nursing pillow to make feeding easier. I also packed a snack bag of fruits, breakfast bars and chips and it was so much easier than running to a vending machine in the middle of the night when hunger strikes; a roll of quarters for said vending machines because while you may get free drinks your significant other or family wont. My nook, it keep my husband happy & occupied while waiting on little miss and allowed us some entertainment after shed gone to the nursery for the night. Camera, this is a must plain and simple. As a photographer I wanted these perfect pictures of our day (that and pinterest gave me the idea) but its not always realistic. James took the best pictures he could and I love what he did, do I wish I had more? Yes but its part of it, and as I began to feel better I took the camera into my own hands to document whatever I could.

10) Document as much as you can. This blog has been a wonderful way for me to keep our friends & family at home and in other states updated even if I didn't get to blog as much as Id like to of. Take pictures of your baby bump, no matter how big you feel at the time you will look back at those pictures and miss it. As I've mentioned I also started Harper a scrapbook and its filled with everything you could imagine; lots of ultrasounds and regular pictures with detailed descriptions of the events, souvenirs from baby shower games (like the 11 sheets of toilet paper that went around my belly or the birth stat cards that were made)& souvenirs from the hospital, like all our id bracelets & cards. Also something I did and I'm really happy about looking back now is I documented her birthdays events, like the how I was progressing and how long everything took. One last thing, I take a picture a day of Harper, excessive? Maybe but its been amazing so far to see just how much she has changed in her 11 days on this earth.

11) Now this is one for after the baby arrives - put the cell phone down, the computer away, any & all technologies down when you are feeding/holding/changing your baby. You would not believe the bond you can create with your newborn just by looking into their eyes and giving them your whole hearted attention. That text message can wait, your fb status can wait (exceptions made for pictures! ha ha) give your baby your all & you will see a difference.
12) Enjoy this time, being pregnant is a wonderful and beautiful thing that is so very easy to take for granted. I know its hard sometimes and your back hurts all the time but trust me when I say the reward is worth every single second. Being a mom is the best thing to ever happen to me. I love my daughter more than anything in this world and it does my heart good to see her smile. Now for the time being at least this is all the advice I have to give. I hope this helps someone else, or even myself again some day. ♥

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Your First Week! ♥ .. & then some

We settled in to being home rather well (: I washed up all our laundry from the hospital, tried to put everything back in its place, and make dinner on the night we came home.I know that I over did it, but I so desperately wanted you to come home and our time together to be spent cuddling rather than mommy running around like a crazy person, so I took advantage of the fact that you were sleeping.
That night you slept in your crib and continued to keep on the schedule we've set for you, while mommy was unable to sleep and stayed awake all night standing over your crib or picking you up and holding you close...while crying my eyes out I must add. I just honestly couldn't believe you had finally made it here, my pregnancy felt like it lasted a lifetime and while it was by no means the easiest I wouldn't trade a single second of it now that we have you here. Our second day went incredibly smooth, your ate, slept, dirtied diapers, and enjoyed tummy time but your second night was anything but smooth. You my sweet baby had a horrible belly ache that kept you & I awake most of the night, it was well into the next day before you were back to your happy self.
The next few days we continued to settle in, having to run errands and go back to the doctor for blood work. You had to have your jaundice levels check, which you do have a very mild case of. I nearly cried when they drew your blood, had your daddy not been standing there holding me I would have.. you my little brave thing slept the whole way through though. We had company alot those few days, even having your grandma & grampa (daddy's side) come by for dinner and Christmas gift exchange & we even when to visit with your great grandma and grandpa. On Saturday & Sunday your grandma & great grandma (my mom/gma)came down from TN to meet you. I wished so badly they could have come for your birth, but they were both sick and we couldn't take any chances. We really enjoyed them coming to visit, getting to meet you and exchanging Christmas gifts, I know that both of them couldn't get over you. (:
On Christmas Eve (Monday) miss Harper you turned 1 week old, and I'm not going to lie, my heart broke a bit. I know that in the blink of an eye you will be 1, then 5 and starting school,then 10 entering into your long anticipated 'double digits', then 13 and entering those talking back teenage years, then getting your first car, and going to prom (by yourself because you still wont be allowed to date! daddy's rule not mine![: ) graduating high school then going off to college. I know that you will grow up way before I'm ready for it to happen that's for sure! We celebrated Christmas today with your great grandma, grampa, aunt Brandy & uncle Matthew (who came in from TN & couldn't wait to meet you!) great uncle Jerry (who came in from TX), and had your great aunt Janice, cousin Jud and his fiance Wendy all stop by to meet you too! You got so much stuff for your first Christmas, I believe I will be unpacking gift bags & boxes for days!
I have to say Harper that your daddy is everything I could have ever imagined and so much more, not only as my husband but as your father. He loves you SO much and I have been reduced to tears a few times just watching the two of you together. He doesn't mind feeding you, or changing your diaper and often times helps me dress you in the mornings. He loves to snuggle with you, talk and sing to you, and play with you too. He is the love of my life, and you my little darling have stolen his heart a million times over and already have him wrapped around your little fingers whether he likes to admit it or not. Your daddy told me tonight that he thinks I am a fantastic mother, of course once again making me cry, his comment really means so much to me because I want nothing more in this life other than to be a good mother to you.
I want you to grow up and be proud to call me your mom, to come to me over the years as a friend not only as a daughter, to know that even though you wont always get your way or have every thing you want that you will always be provided with what you need. I want you to grow up wanting to find a love like your daddy & I have, honest and forgiving, passionate and whole hearted. To have faith in God, faith in this world, faith in us but most of all faith in yourself. I am so happy that you have made your grand entrance into this world Harper you are everything I imagined you being and so incredibly much more!
We had such a blessed Christmas day, surrounded by family. You received so many nice things for your first Christmas, needless to say you are well stocked on clothes & toys for awhile (: Mommy & daddy still have a few things we'd like to get you though. My favorite gift, other than you of course has to of been the charms for my Pandora bracelet. Your daddy bought me the bracelet last year for our first Christmas, with a charm of an angel in memory of your uncle Andy. This year I was blessed to get a baby carriage from your grandma (my mom), a block letter H from your great grandma (my mawmaw) & a camera from your aunt Brandy.
I am normally not one for material things, but this means so much to me. The entire time I was in the hospital, and waiting on your arrival I wore my bracelet, then with just the angel to have a little piece of my brother there with us..watching over us. I think about him alot, well even more now that your here. I know he would love you so incredibly much. I'm not sure I ever mentioned it or not but my maternity pictures were done in a sweater of his, it was actually an accident because I forgot an undershirt but I feel like it made our pictures even more special & meaningful. I have been planning your newborn pictures, over and over in my head. I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a nice (warmer) sunny day and we can get over to your great grandmas house to do them. I can't wait really! For now though I am about to wake your sweet little self up and cuddle with you before your next feeding, as we wait for your sweet daddy to get home from work.
Your daddy & I love you so very much love bug & we look forward to everyday that we are blessed enough to spend with you (:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December 17th, 2012

Is the day a beautiful little miracle came into our lives. At 3:20 in the afternoon Harper Lynn made her arrival, weighting in at 6lbs 8oz and 18 inches long. She has her daddy's nose,chin and ears; her mommas eyes, mouth and hair line. She is brown headed like her mother, with straight hair like her daddy. She has the biggest, brightest eyes that will most likely turn hazel like them both. She has her mothers calm nature, but her daddy's temper. She is long and skinny just like her daddy; and has two birthmarks just like her momma. She has her mothers hands; and daddy's feet.She is the perfect blend between the two of us and we couldn't be more in love.
At 4:30 in the morning we arrived at the hospital, we knew it was time. By 5:30 a.m we had been admitted and an IV had been started, by 5:45 the pitosen had been started as I continued to dilate from a 1.5, in just 15 short minutes I was already dilated to a 2. An hour later, at 7 I had reached 2.5 centimeters dilated and 90 percent effaced. Time seemed to stand still for the next few hours, I had been given medicine to help the pain from back labor, and it made me very sleepy. We had a few visitors during that time, your grandfather and his wife, your grandmother and aunt, your grandfather and great grandmother, along with lots of nurses and doctors. By 10:15 I had dilated to a 4 and was given an epidural and a catheter, 11:10 rolled around and my water was broken. By 1:00 in the afternoon I had dilated to a 6 and had become fully effaced. The told me that you were in complete position by 2:00 as I was dilated to a 6.5.
By 2:30 I was between an 8.5 to a 9, and have to have my epidural increased twice. The doctor was then called. At 3:00 in the afternoon I began pushing. After a blessed 5 hours of full labor and 20 minutes of pushing you made your grand entrance into this world. Your daddy held my hand and stood right there beside me encouraging me the entire time. You didn't cry when you came into this world instead you bit the doctor on his finger, to which he stated, 'looks like you wont be a vegetarian like your momma!' Which of course made everyone laugh. But in an instant I began to cry, because they laid you on my belly and I got to look at you for the very first time. I can not explain how I felt in that moment other than I was in heaven. They took you quickly away though, because you still had not began to cry, I knew you were just fine though, just dazed from all the epidural medicine. After checking all your vitals, and stats your daddy was able to snap a few pictures of you to which he left the room to show all our family.While he was gone, and I was finishing delivery a nurse was attempting to make you cry, mean ole woman pinched your foot and your my little spit fire punched her!
After I was finished with delivery they handed you to to me once again. It seemed like no more than a second had gone by when your grandad (my dad) walked into the room. He was completely elated to be the first one to see you. He literally could not stop smiling, shortly after our room was filled with family, and as quickly as they came it seemed they all left. Your were taken to the nursery...were all the family migrated too, as I was being prepped to move rooms. They allowed me to eat a quick meal though, & trust me little one after 13 hours of no food, your mommy was hungry. (Broccoli & cheese potato and a salad...yum!)
In a normal vaginal delivery they make the new mommies walk from the delivery room the recovery room, but because I had 3 dozes of epidural medicine I was unable to move or feel anything from my belly down. I had to be transferred to my new room on my bed. Even beforehand while they were setting me up for delivery I was so unable to feel or move my legs that the nurses had to do it for me. It seemed like the nursery kept you for hours, mommy was able to eat (twice) before we saw you again. When they finally brought you back to us your Aunt Kelly & Uncle Jason stopped by to meet you, aunt Kelly had been there the whole day, but wanted to see you again. I believe they stayed about an hour, but we took lots of pictures while they were there.
The rest of the night comes and goes, I know they took you back to the nursery around 10 o'clock, because I was still not able to get around by myself. A few hours later I was able to get cleaned up in a whirlpool tub (something I miss now![;) I know shortly after your daddy & I both went to sleep, I don't remember what time we woke up the next day or how many nurses and doctors we saw, all that was important to us was seeing you again. It was almost like a wonderful dream that we were trying to wake up from. Your grandpa (my dad) & grandma (daddy's mom) stopped by sometime that afternoon to see you again. They are both beside themselves to be grandparents (your grandma a two time grandparent this year!)
When they, or anyone else in our family look at you I can see how much they love you and it warms my heart. Dr. W came to visit us again while we were in the hospital and he kept saying how amazed he was with how much like daddy & me both you look, he said he believed it was because your daddy & I are truly made for one another, and because we have such a harmonious relationship. (: Needless to say we adore your delivery doctor. He was even sweet enough to take a picture with you! Your pediatrician Dr.S stopped by several times to check on you, during labor mommy had to be put on oxygen because you or I neither one were getting enough. Even after birth you were put on oxygen for a small amount of time because your hands and feet were blue. The gave us a technical name for it, but said that it was of no danger to you and would go away on its on (which it has).
The next day we were able to bring you home,it was the sweetest thing to see our now 6lb 3oz baby (you lost 5oz in the hospital) tucked into this big ole car seat. It was late in the afternoon but your grandma game over to help us in, and to hold onto your 'big brother' Shorty, a 25+ pound fiest/terrier mix that has become your guard dog! You did fantastic on your first car ride and slept the entire way home!

Friday, December 14, 2012

While we were away.. ♥

My darling baby girl, we are literally a week or less away from meeting you. I can not put into words how excited your daddy & I are to meet you! We talk endlessly everyday about how much our lives are about to change & how we couldn't be more ready to start this journey together creating a beautiful life together & with YOU! ( : It has been so hard on Mommy not to write to you as often as I'd like to of, but Daddy & I have been doing great & are so excited to share all the wonderful things that have been going on in our lives since we last wrote. So here is a little update. . .
October 7th was the first full day in our new home, and it didn't take us long to have everything put together, well everything but your nursery. Your nursery was a challenge for your daddy and I, but we are so happy with the way it all turned out ( : (Will post pictures soon) On October 13th your daddy and I made our way to TN for mommy to photograph a good friends wedding. It was such an incredible & fun day...that landed this mommy to be straight in the hospital. You made an attempt for an early escape as I lost my mucus plug and started having contractions. Thankfully we were able to stop the contractions & after a negative fft test we felt reassured that you would continue to bake a little longer.We also learned at this time that you were already flipped head down!
On October 23rd we went back for a check with our doctor and had an ultrasound done. Your heartbeat was 154 beats per minute, and they guessed you weighed 3lbs 9oz at 30 weeks along.( : We got some wonderful pictures that day that we were able to take and show off just days later at our TN baby shower.
On October 27th your daddy and I also had the opportunity to have our maternity pictures taken by your awesome Aunt Brandy and her husband Matthew. It was a extremely cold October day, but it was an experience that James and I will never forget. ♥ On October 28th at 31 weeks along we had friends and family gather at the Hilltop-Rosenwald park building in Mommy's home town for your 1st baby shower. We were so unbelievably blessed with all that we received that day and by the amount of support we were shown.
You are SO loved by so many people, its amazing. Some of mommies wonderful best friends came (all of these ladies I have known 6 + years) Your "Aunties" often call/text to check on us, as they are so anxious to meet you!
Melody, Myself, Amber, Drea, Bekka holding Laylah (Amber's baby)& Alyssa ( : See this beautiful cake?! Melody made this special for us! Can you say Blessed. Some more of the wonderful people that came to share their excitement with us, Jessica & "Auntie" Brooke (Mommy's old roommate & long-time best friend)
We also had so many other friends come & even more send their well wishes & gifts for you! We even got a present from Kristen, a good friend of mommies who is stationed all the way in Virginia. (:
The shower was hosted by your (TN) grandmother & great-grandmother, with photos done by Aunt Brandy. Here is you Aunt Brandy & the onesie she made for you! Isn't it just the cutest!
Your (AL) grandmother made this awesome diaper cake for us! Alabama, Mommy's favorite of course ( :
We played a few games including word searches,unscrambling words, and the dirty diaper pin game, but my favorite activity (& everyone elses) was decorating you some fabulous onesies!(seen here)
Mommy wasn't the only mommy to be there, Ashleigh, Janet & Myself.
It was such a fun filled and memorable day ( :
On October 31st we had another recheck with the doctor, and much to our surprise I had started dilating! It was only a finger-tip at that point but it was still unexpected. At that point our doctor was giving us between the end of November, first week of December as your estimated arrival dates. (Thankfully we passed those!) From that point on I was put on medicine to try and stop any contractions from happening for fear that you would once again try to escape. But of course that night (Yep Halloween) mommy did indeed start having contractions & went to spend the evening with your (AL)grandmother watching scary movies while daddy was at work. He was to scared to watch them when he came to pick mommy up too! ha ha On November 11th at 33 weeks along Daddy and I were blessed once again to receive a second baby shower, this time in our home state of Alabama. Your (AL) grandmother, Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jason were gracious enough to host for us. It was so much fun to have all of daddy's siblings (4 including daddy) in one room. & Have some of Mommy's aunts,cousins and your wonderful great-grandmother there too! We were once again overjoyed with all the wonderful things & DIAPERS (HA HA) we received.
We played a game where everyone had to guess how many sheets of toilet paper would fit around my belly. Lets just say some of the guesses were way off with numbers as high as 26 sheets, but Daddy some how managed to be the closest with his guess of 13 sheets (Actual amount was 11 sheets) We also had everyone guess what your birth stats would be (birth date, weight & length) as well as give us the first time parents to be some much appreciated advice. The earliest anyone thought you'd arrive was November 20th; Smallest weight anyone thought you'd be is 4lbs 5oz, and smallest length was 15 inches. The latest anyone thought you'd arrive was December 21st; Largest weight guessed was 7lbs 6oz, and longest length was 22 inches long. Here is the funniest piece of advice we received..."Make James change dirty diapers!"..Ok so maybe daddy didn't think it was all that funny but I sure did! & One of the sweetest and most true pieces of advice we received was, "Always remember Harper will be gone and grown one day & all you will have is each other." We pray everyday that as you grow up and get big that your our love for each other as well as you only continues to grow stronger. (:
Your (AL)grandmother made so much amazing food that day, and we were able to show off once again the diaper cake she made. Her & Rodney also made daddy the greatest Daddy to be gift EVER! It was an apron which included ear plugs, gloves, protective eye glasses, nose plug, wipes & so many other things that I am unable to remember. Once again we were blessed with a wonderful day filled with great memories (:
On November 15th we went back to the doctor for another recheck, this time we found out that while I had not dilated anymore I had started to thin out, making us believe once again you would try to escape early. Aunt Brandy,Uncle Matthew, your grandpa (my dad),your great grandmother ,daddy and I spent a wonderful day filled with great food and even better company on Thanksgiving.After all the food we were happy to go shopping and give our bellies a break. We enjoyed a late thanksgiving a few days later with daddy's side of the family & loved every laugh filled moment there too ( : On November 25th we celebrated Daddy's 22nd Birthday. The day before we had gone to Tuscaloosa and ate lunch & spend a fun filled day together, but on the day of Daddy's birthday he requested and received a relaxing day curled up on the couch watching movies all day (: Mommy & your great-grandmother made daddy his very own diaper bag! Camo & all, he was at a loss for words when he received it, but was so happy! Your daddy received lots of nice things for his birthday, and claimed it may have been his very best birthday to date..(Something says with you here it will be even better!) On November 26th we went back to the doctors once again for a check-up. We were so excited to have an ultrasound done, your heartbeat was 141 beats per minute, and they guessed that you weighed 6lbs and 1oz at 35 weeks. This appointment however was not a typical one as we actually believed mommy was in labor & had to make an emergency appointment with the doctor. We were once again given a fft test, but this time it came back positive, stating that you would arrive within 2 weeks. At this appointment we learned that I had dilated to a 1 had continued to thin out. I was told to increase my contraction medicine to 4 times a day, and completely stop any activity. I was told to not even do laundry. Yikes! We received a very special little gift on December 2nd in the form of your daddy's doggie named Shorty (seen here) He has been the biggest comfort for me, as I sometimes get lonely being at home all day by myself while your sweet daddy works his butt off for us. He will be such a good "big brother" for you!
On December 4th we went back to the doctor for another check-up, this time we were told that I was dilated to a 1 . 5, and 80 percent thinned, and Dr. W even said he could feel your head! At this time I came off all my contraction medicines, and was allowed to resume activity (Thank goodness!) We really believed that you would be here within that week...WRONG. You my little lady have discovered the Hurry up & wait game, you make us believe you are coming and then nope you decide to stay a little longer! Somehow though your daddy & I are getting a little giggle out of it, because it shows us that your going to have our well worn senses of humor.On December 11th on my way home from visiting your great-grandmother, and aunt I managed to take the life of a little deer, while it managed to damage the front of my car. It has been so hard on mommy not having my own wheels, especially because it was our planned vehicle to take to & from the hospital. :/ Thankfully my airbags didn't deploy, nor did it cause you or I any injuries! Which we confirmed on December 12th when we went back to the doctors for another recheck, honestly believing that we would be put in the hospital after the weeks and the ones prior events. After a ultrasound showed you weighing 6lbs 14oz with a heartbeat of 153 beats per minute we truly believed Dr W would tell us that I had dilated lots more & we would be rushed over to the hospital in preparation for your birth. . .Well much to our surprise I had made no progress at all! I'm not going to say that we weren't a little disappointed, but we know that God has a planned day for your birth & we just have to wait it out, well till the 20th at least when our scheduled induction date is! As for the past few days, I have been nurturing your sick daddy back to health and trying my best to live in these last few days of silence. I see lots of cooking, cleaning and laundry though in my future for the next few days. We go back Monday for a recheck with Dr. W & he told us things do look promising for that day so I want us to be as prepared as possible!(: As always my little love we can not wait to meet you & we love you SO much! -Love Mommy & Daddy