Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Diaper Bags & what not

Diaper bags, oh so much fun..and oh so heavy! But what do you put in there? I've been asked this a lot lately so I thought I'd share will all my mommy- to-be friends what I keep in mine, and why.

Everything pictured here are must haves for us.
  • Lotion : A baby with dry cracked skin is pitiful. We put lotion on Harper Lynn twice a day.
  • Changing Pad : Seriously, these are a God send when changing a dirty diaper in a restaurant or in a car, especially in case of little accidents.. [ :
  • Nose Wipes: We just started these with HL & we love them! They help us keep her little nose clean, and they smell wonderful!
  • Wet Ones (Sanitizer Wipes): I use these to clean off the Changing Pad after each use, enough said.
  • Tissues: Handy for Harper & for us. We often use the to wipe her mouth after a bottle.
  • Wipes: Of course this is a must have
  • Diapers: We keep HL's diapers in a zip lock bag for two reasons. 1) It keeps diapers from floating around in her diaper bag. 2) Its a lot more sanitary.
  • Scented Baggies: Also kept in a zip-lock bag, but with a slit cut in it so I am able to pull out one bag at a time. Using these bags when HL has a bm helps reduce the smell. These are also awesome when were on the road!
Notice the Zip-lock bag..I use the crap out of them! Gripe water [helps get rid of hiccups, and tummy trouble], Little Remedies for fever, St. Josephs Gas Relief drops, teething gel.{ I put all of the droppers in a separate bag than I keep the meds in..less sticky.} Diaper rash cream -the white tub is also diaper rash cream but prescription-, Q-tips, Petroleum Jelly - used with the q-tips when HL hasn't had a bm for a few days.
This little pouch is the handiest little thing ever! In this pouch is: A hair brush, another bottle of lotion, baby scissors, nail files, nail clippers, bib, medical dropper (this is just an extra), nasal bulb, pacifiers (We always keep 2 extras just in case, because nothing sucks worse then having a fussy baby and no paci.)                                                        
Formula & Cereal. There have been so many times that we have ran out of formula from being out and about longer than anticipated. I now keep a can in my diaper bag & one in my car!
Extra clothes. These are a must! We keep a Jacket, Onesie, Pants, Socks and hair bow. I stack the Pants, Onesie and socks together with the bow wrapped around them, and place them in the zip lock baggie. Keeps them together and clean!
Yes out of all the stuff in my bag I am able to have a few things in there for myself. My planner, lotion, glasses, keys, pens & sharpie, germ-x wipes, chap stick, note pad, inhaler, Benadryl, headache meds. Items not pictured: Wallet, feminine products, hair ties & bobby pins, and a compact. Oh & stamps, I leave envelopes, and blank cards in my car at all times because you never know when you need to mail something, or write someone a thank you note (:
I also leave a toy, or two in her bag
So there you have it, that's what we keep in Harper's diaper bag. I know I am "the over prepared" momma but everything that's in her bag is things that we actually use.

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