Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A day in the life...

Harper Lynn,

 Ever wonder what a day in our lives is like? Well here's a pretty basic description....

      We have began to settle into the sweetest little routine. You generally wake me up in the mornings by "talking" or chewing your hands. On the rare occasion I get to wake you up I take ever sweet precious moment in. You always ALWAYS greet me with the biggest gummy smile ever [hello instant heart melter] and roll around in your crib till I pick you up. Each and every time I pick you up, be in the mornings or through out the day I always give you a hug. You must have caught onto this because you always put your arms around my neck. From there we always do a quick diaper change and then onto feeding. After feeding time, we general play for a bit then go make breakfast and wake daddy up. You sit in your little bumbo in a chair in the kitchen and watch me while I cook, clean, do dishes etc. Something tells me though that this will be a very common element in our lives down the road. You love helping me wake daddy up, and on his most stubborn days I let you go all ninja baby on him (; [I.E. Mommy karate chops daddy with your little arms & legs! ]  You always greet daddy with the same big gummy smile you do me, and he can't help but smother you with kisses. Now from here we eat, clean up the kitchen, basically get ready for our day. Then are day normally goes one of two ways, we either go run errands [most often] or we stay around the house. Most days, even if we don't have to we get out and about and go see someone in the family. You will learn as you grow just how important family is to your dad and I, how much it truly means for us to be close. We generally are home about lunch time so that I can feed you and make us something to eat, and get daddy's lunch packed for work. He normally entertains you right about then. Then sadly he heads to work for the day...and your stuck looking at me and the dog.
     By then though its time for one of the two naps that your guaranteed to take daily. At which time I study my heart out, until you wake up at least. From there we do lots & lots of tummy time, practice sitting up, and of course we talk. All day long actually. We play with toys, read books and sing and dance. You absolutely love to dance around the kitchen, it is precious. You eat about this time for your 3rd feeding of the day, then it is back down for your second nap. This one though isn't near as long so I try to edit or answer emails, basically anything with the photography business. Once you've gotten back up we generally make dinner, play some more then get ready for night time baths. You typically get a bath every other night, and I wash your hair twice a week. You love to splash around and listen to me sing to you. You smile and laugh so much! Once bath time and all its fun are over it is time get you ready for bed. We read at least 3 stories every night. Right now your loving: Guess How Much I Love You, Dr Seuss ABC, and The Elephants Child. But your favorite book of all...? Noah's Ark. I can read it to your a hundred times and you still protest every time I close the book. We have also started Praying with you before you go to sleep, and you absolutely LOVE it! You just babble right along with me (: Once your off to dream land, I try my best to complete any school work I have for the week. Sometimes its easy said than done [ Like tonight I am kind of procrastinating], but I am proud to say..like I promised I would...that after completing my first college class I still have a 4.0! YAY! Here's to hoping I can keep it going. By then daddy is normally coming in from work, and I visit with him for a bit. I normally finish up any edit/workshops while he eats and we watch a movie. By then I am one tired mommy and ready for bed.
      Oh, and I cant forget to throw in the biweekly grocery trips, laundry 3+ times a week, house cleaning, taking care of Shorty, tiny persons temper tantrums, tons and tons of mini hugs & kissed breaks and the million and one other things I seem to do in a day....

I love our crazy busy but beautiful life. I love you baby girl to the moon and back.


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