Saturday, January 19, 2013

Love, Me

I have been on a cleaning kick the last few days and while demolishing straightening my house I found six letters, one I wrote before birth to Harper, one right after; another to myself before her birth, and once again right after; and one to James before Harper's arrival, and well you get the picture. The letters are all on the longer side ( go figure ) so I thought I would post the one today that I made to myself right before little misses arrival. It reads as follows.....

Hey you,

        Yeah you the one who is probably back into our pre-pregnacy skinny jeans, happily trotting around holding our adorable ( I already know she will be ) little lady. Do you remember what it felt like to be THIS BIG? Beached whale is the term I like to refer to the most. Ok, Ok I may be exaggerating just a bit, but the waddling has gotten a little old. I may sound like I am complaining but believe me when I say I wouldn't have it any other way, constant back ache and all. I hope to look back at this letter, and laugh because I didn't realize just how easy I had it, but I wanted to write to myself, and as a reference for Harper when shes 50 about just what it felt like being pregnant. Like I said 50 ( yes daddy and I up-ed the dating age limit! )
         Oh the glory days of morning sickness, 4 months in my case! and strange cravings of pickles & ice cream (not together thank goodness) have only become a sweet memory. I remember the day we found out we were expecting like it was yesterday, the overwhelming gush of love,happiness and fear that struck me all in one whirlwind moment. I still look back and wish I had taken a picture of my pregnancy tests, but the memory is enough for me. The day we found out I was around 4 to 5 weeks along, and I swear the morning sickness didn't start till I saw those 2 little pink lines. I prayed to the porcelain god every day, and quite often. Mexican food became my worst enemy, along with almost anything with any real flavor or spiciness to it. I have lived off of fruits and vegetables and now as we are only 2 weeks away from Harper's due date am I able to eat some of my favorite foods again. I really didn't show any signs of being pregnant before we got the positive results, other than the fact that I wanted to sleep so much more( not to sure why we didn't pick up on that?) I'm not going to say that I at least did suspect it, but was to nervous to confirm it.
        Pregnancy has been a challenge for me more physically than anything, my small frame has led to lots of pain and caused me to carry very low making it hard to sleep, walk or even use the restroom without pain, but God I know it'll all be worth it when I hold my baby girl for the first time. James has had to rescue my out of the tub, out of the floor and out of our bed more times than I would like to admit but I'm so thankful hes so patient with me and doesn't get frustrated that I do have to depend on him so often. I think if my labor has been as hard physically as my pregnancy has that ill be in labor for a half a day or more, but only time will tell.
         Everyone tells me all the time to rest as much as I can because I'll never sleep again, well I barely sleep now anyways so it will be an easy transition ha ha. I have been trying to take it easy lately though and relax and read instead of being super mommy to be and wonder wife fighters of grime and dust and defenders of organization! God I hope Harper thinks I'm as funny as James does, but I highly doubt I will be so lucky! Now as we prepare for Harper's arrival I realize I'm nervous. not scared but anxious. Will I be a good mom? Will I be able to keep up with my wifely duties, make my husband happy, and care for a newborn? How in the hell do I know if I'm ready for this?! Can't I just cross my legs real tight and wait a little longer? ( Ok, just kidding.. Harper needs to be evicted soon :] ) I know my worries are normal, but in invalid. I will be a good mom, because I will try and that's the best thing I can do. & I will learn to balance the juggling act of adding a bundle of joy to the mix, somehow but I will manage. & Yes I am ready for this, God would not be allowing me such a precious gift If I weren't. Now I do have nightmares from time to time that something will go wrong and that Harper wont make it, and that's honestly been a huge source of anxiety my entire pregnancy but I know that I have to leave all my fears and worries in Gods hands, and follow the plan that he has for us. I can not wait till the big day comes and I'm able to hold our baby girl for the first time.
        The anticipation of our new life is killing me, but I know that as my life, as well as James is about to change forever and ready or not here it come. Remember the pain is only temporary, the reward will be worth every ounce of it. & Remember to pray and be thankful that day, and not stress of the little things.

P.S. & kiss that hot husband of ours a few times too & try not to break his hand!!


Monday, January 14, 2013

Oh Baby! ( :

Holy Moly where has the time gone? Your already a month old! So whats our little lady up too these days? Harper is now taking a 4 oz bottle every 3 hours or so & sleeps 3-4 hours at a time at night. She weights over 8 lbs, and is over 20 inches long; & has grown so much since we've been home shes almost completely outgrown her newborn clothing (in length!) Harper almost always has a smile on her face (unless hungry) and loves to make noises & funny faces at James & I. She likes bath time, tummy time, hanging out in her bouncy seat, snuggling,music and taking naps on mommy & daddys bed; dislikes diaper changes, waiting on her bottle, and hiccups (which she has alot!) We have such a happy & loving little lady and can't believe she is already a month old! We love you Harper!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Starting the year off right ♥

2013 is already off to a good start (: On the first day of the new year we went and visited with your grandma & grandpa to eat lots of yummy cabbage, black eyed peas,succotash & cornbread (Gotta love southern cooking!) While we were there we weighted you, and I weighted myself for the first time since before you were born. You weighted 7 lbs 3 oz & have gained 1 lb since we left the hospital. We also measured you,& your now 20 inches long with a growth of 2 inches! I am one VERY proud momma! All the semi sleepless nights, & 2.5-3 hour feedings are so worth it! As for me I have lost 15 pounds (: I still have a lot left to lose and still have some swelling I hope goes away soon but I am very happy.
(Us on January 1st at Grandmas) You lost your umbilical cord 1/3/13 & I couldn't be happier. I knew it would be happening soon and am very thankful it has. Your enjoying tummy time & diaper changes so much more now too! This also means that you will be able to have your first real bath any day now! & I am super excited about it!! You also went to visit the doctors office for the first time the other day, mommy had an appointment & you slept the whole time we were there. After giving birth I began to have horrible migraines and alot of pain in my back, which we believed to be spinal headaches, after our appointment yesterday we were relieved to know that I actually just have a bruised bone in my back from the epidural. Dr W popped my neck & back and I am already feeling a little better, but I go back to the doctor the 23rd of this month so hopefully by then all the pain will be gone. & for another first..WE . . . YOU & I went grocery shopping all by ourselves! woo hoo. Sounds silly I know but one day, a million years done the road when your a mom you will understand how momentous that really is. Mommy's car is finally in the repair shop! Yipee. We have been driving around your grandpas truck since you were born (daddy's truck has no where to put a carseat.)& I am very ready to have my car back, it'll be so much easier to take you places.On another note your sweet daddy is sick, again : / & I have had to lock him away in our bedroom, ok not lock away but he is being quarantined especially from you. I know your not going to like this though because you sure do love your daddy & love it when he holds you! You get the BIGGEST smile on your face. Hopefully though he will get to feeling better really soon. (: Well little miss I know I didn't write much today, but this headache is getting the best of me. A quick nap curled up with you on the couch sounds like the best medicine to me. Your daddy & I love you so so very much Harper!