Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The sound of your Heartbeat

Daddy & I went for our check-up today, we got to see your sweet profile & hear the amazingly loud sound of your heartbeat. Today it was 144 beats per minute, which is wonderful. The told us today during our ultrasound what they think you are (girl/boy) but were going to wait until our next appointment before we share that information... just to be sure! (: But daddy & I both agree with what they told us today! I've been a very sick momma to be lately, but hopefully soon that will subside. I cant believe were already 16 almost 17 weeks along, time is really flying bye. Before you know it we will be able to hold you in our arms, and trust me we cant wait! We having been super busy planning your nursery.. Of course, there may be some color changes, but we love it so far! With all my love, Mommy Lilypie Maternity tickers

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