Sunday, July 8, 2012

All the busy little things

What a week this has been! You have kept me one busy little lady & your not even here yet! On July 3rd I felt you kick for the first time! It was one of the most magical experiences I've ever had. It had happened several times that day, before I realized what it was! (: Your daddy & I had a wonderful 4th of July, filled with fireworks and great friends. (& the noise from that must have reached you, because you were kicking like crazy!) On July 6th You gave us all quite a scare! I had a very busy morning that day, and went and rested, when i woke up from my nap i noticed a sharp pain in my side. The pain continued for several hours, and after i got off work your grand-daddy took me to the hospital. I was having Braxton Hicks contractions (false labor pains!)But thankfully you were just fine, & your heartbeat was so strong and so fast, it made mommy tear up! This was a complete wake up call to your Mommy. I have been doing to much, lifting to much, and not giving myself the down time i need. But that is going to change. I'm making a promise to you baby E, that i will take better care of myself, so we don't have to go through such a scary ordeal again. Also on a much brighter note you now have 4 ONESIES! Oh they are precious. I've also been "window shopping" for your nursery, and little things for you. This will be my next purchase & I can not wait to buy it for you!
I've also found about a million other things i want for you! Daddy even likes looking too (: I have also been doing alot of research, so that I can be a wonderful mother to you. I will be taking pictures this week, so hopefully I can get a few up of my now 15 week belly! With all of my love, Mommy

SPECIAL NOTE - 2.17.13 - When this post was origionally publish we did not know that we were having a girl, but I did actually state, bolded above, that it was a girl. So crazy, how sometimes we just know! Love this!

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