Monday, July 2, 2012

Leaps & Bounds

Look at YOU! You have grown so much in the last 3 weeks, that you made mommy have to buy maternity clothes, but I don't mind, I really love watching my belly get bigger. You were 12 weeks 6 days in the picture here, now your 14 weeks 2 days. It amazes me how fast my pregnancy is going, it just seems like yesterday we found out we were expecting you, now we'll find out whether your a Boy or a Girl in less than 6 weeks! I have my guess, as too what you'll be but I think I will keep it quite for now :) Daddy & I bought your first onesie the other day, and we can't wait to put you in it! I'm so happy that you will be born in the Winter, the Summer heat has been unbearable lately, and I couldn't imagine trying to bring you outside in it. When its cool, or when I'm indoors I try to walk as much as i can. This has become A LOT easier this week, because one sweet little baby has moved off of mommies left hip. You are now positioned on my right side, near my rib cage, which is just fine by me. Daddy and I, along with your cousin Cody went swimming a few days ago. I have always loved to swim, but its certainly not as easy as it used to be. I have noticed the last 2 weeks that I get winded, and tired easily, but its because my uterus has now flipped, allowing you more room to grow. I will gladly take this though, because Daddy and I, want a big healthy baby! I'm hoping that I can put more pictures up this week, of you, and of your daddy & I. We have lots of exciting things going on right now & big plans in the works. I just can't wait to share them all with you! With all my love, Mommy P.S. Your Aunt Brandy is awesome! She has collected several bags of maternity clothes for mommy, this week, so we will have lots of good fitting clothes, since mine seem to be shrinking! ( : Now if only I could get her down to Alabama, from Tennessee. Lilypie Maternity tickers

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