Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The sound of your Heartbeat

Daddy & I went for our check-up today, we got to see your sweet profile & hear the amazingly loud sound of your heartbeat. Today it was 144 beats per minute, which is wonderful. The told us today during our ultrasound what they think you are (girl/boy) but were going to wait until our next appointment before we share that information... just to be sure! (: But daddy & I both agree with what they told us today! I've been a very sick momma to be lately, but hopefully soon that will subside. I cant believe were already 16 almost 17 weeks along, time is really flying bye. Before you know it we will be able to hold you in our arms, and trust me we cant wait! We having been super busy planning your nursery.. Of course, there may be some color changes, but we love it so far! With all my love, Mommy Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, July 8, 2012

All the busy little things

What a week this has been! You have kept me one busy little lady & your not even here yet! On July 3rd I felt you kick for the first time! It was one of the most magical experiences I've ever had. It had happened several times that day, before I realized what it was! (: Your daddy & I had a wonderful 4th of July, filled with fireworks and great friends. (& the noise from that must have reached you, because you were kicking like crazy!) On July 6th You gave us all quite a scare! I had a very busy morning that day, and went and rested, when i woke up from my nap i noticed a sharp pain in my side. The pain continued for several hours, and after i got off work your grand-daddy took me to the hospital. I was having Braxton Hicks contractions (false labor pains!)But thankfully you were just fine, & your heartbeat was so strong and so fast, it made mommy tear up! This was a complete wake up call to your Mommy. I have been doing to much, lifting to much, and not giving myself the down time i need. But that is going to change. I'm making a promise to you baby E, that i will take better care of myself, so we don't have to go through such a scary ordeal again. Also on a much brighter note you now have 4 ONESIES! Oh they are precious. I've also been "window shopping" for your nursery, and little things for you. This will be my next purchase & I can not wait to buy it for you!
I've also found about a million other things i want for you! Daddy even likes looking too (: I have also been doing alot of research, so that I can be a wonderful mother to you. I will be taking pictures this week, so hopefully I can get a few up of my now 15 week belly! With all of my love, Mommy

SPECIAL NOTE - 2.17.13 - When this post was origionally publish we did not know that we were having a girl, but I did actually state, bolded above, that it was a girl. So crazy, how sometimes we just know! Love this!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Leaps & Bounds

Look at YOU! You have grown so much in the last 3 weeks, that you made mommy have to buy maternity clothes, but I don't mind, I really love watching my belly get bigger. You were 12 weeks 6 days in the picture here, now your 14 weeks 2 days. It amazes me how fast my pregnancy is going, it just seems like yesterday we found out we were expecting you, now we'll find out whether your a Boy or a Girl in less than 6 weeks! I have my guess, as too what you'll be but I think I will keep it quite for now :) Daddy & I bought your first onesie the other day, and we can't wait to put you in it! I'm so happy that you will be born in the Winter, the Summer heat has been unbearable lately, and I couldn't imagine trying to bring you outside in it. When its cool, or when I'm indoors I try to walk as much as i can. This has become A LOT easier this week, because one sweet little baby has moved off of mommies left hip. You are now positioned on my right side, near my rib cage, which is just fine by me. Daddy and I, along with your cousin Cody went swimming a few days ago. I have always loved to swim, but its certainly not as easy as it used to be. I have noticed the last 2 weeks that I get winded, and tired easily, but its because my uterus has now flipped, allowing you more room to grow. I will gladly take this though, because Daddy and I, want a big healthy baby! I'm hoping that I can put more pictures up this week, of you, and of your daddy & I. We have lots of exciting things going on right now & big plans in the works. I just can't wait to share them all with you! With all my love, Mommy P.S. Your Aunt Brandy is awesome! She has collected several bags of maternity clothes for mommy, this week, so we will have lots of good fitting clothes, since mine seem to be shrinking! ( : Now if only I could get her down to Alabama, from Tennessee. Lilypie Maternity tickers