Wednesday, August 8, 2012


We have had so much going on the last few weeks little one! We have experienced some of the most exciting times in your Daddy's & my relationship! (: Your Mommy & Daddy officially have the same last name. We tied the knot on July 23, 2012 and have truly never been happier! We also found out what your going to be..... ITS A GIRL! (: You my little one no longer are referred to as Baby E but as Harper. We hope you love your name as much as your daddy & I do.
We have been having so much fun planning your nursery & secretly planning your baby shower. Thank goodness your Grandma loves looking at baby shower stuff just as much as I do! Your Mawmaw & granddad have been helping me find some of the sweetest little things for you, we cant wait to get everything all together. Daddy and I also met your grandma and great grandma a few weeks ago for lunch & brought home lots of goodies for you! We now have your very first books ( : We also got some little Alabama booties, and a Alabama cap (ROLL TIDE) & we can not wait for you to wear them. I swear your sweet little daddy is quite out numbered. I'm so excited that you are already 19 almost 20 weeks along. Time is flying by! Before I know it you will be here. You have been such a wiggle worm here lately & Daddy has finally gotten to feel you kick. He was so excited (& so was I)!! You must like music Miss Harper, because you wiggle around whenever you hear it. Especially country music! We were so happy when we had our ultrasound last week, we have it on video & it was wonderful to watch you move around, but you sure do like using momma as a punching bag! I feel like I could write to you all day long little one! With all my love HARPER!
P.S. little one - You had a playmate born this week! One of Mommy's favorite people, your Aunt Amber had baby Laylah on Sunday Aug.5 @ 12.58 am. Miss Laylah was 6 pounds even & 18 and 3/4 inches long! Your Daddy and I are going to Tennessee this weekend so we can visit them along with so many others. Were so excited! ** Update ** I had to share this extremely sweet picture of miss Laylah, she was 5 days old here & was an absolute doll! We are so happy for Amber & Jhonny!