Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just the Beginning

See that handsome man beside me? That wonderful, loving man is your going to be your Daddy. (: Thats right, a Daddy. I'm not to sure who was more suprised, he or I, but the suprise quickly turned into Joy. Your Daddy, and I met in July of 2011. It was a typical July day, hot in the early start of the morning. I was visiting Alabama, for your Uncle Jason's Birthday (We'll learn more about he, and your Aunt Kelly later) I was outside, just walking around, when a truck pulled up. Out steps this man, I had never met, he was tall, and handsome, and when he spoke I couldn't help but listen. He had a tiller in the back of his truck, and being the sometimes stubborn man, i've grown to love, when I offered my help to get it down, he refused. He grunted and growned, but managed to do it all by himself ;). We made small talk, he told me his name was James, and I told him that mine was Lauren. It was quite funny actually, there was an instant connection between your dad and I, but it was such a new feeling for us both we didn't know what it was. We left at the same time, he followed me down the dirt road, and went to right, as i went to the left. I remember staring in my rear view mirror, still awestruck by this man. It would be several weeks before your Aunt Kelly, heard about the meeting, but her and fate were on our side. Kelly texted me, and asked me about James, I was mixed with nerves and butterflies. We exchanged numbers soon after and began talking everyday, for several hours a day. I knew I loved your dad very early in our relationship, he was actually quoted saying he would marry me someday. We started dating that October, and things have been wonderful since then. On May 1st, 2012, we found out we were expecting you, and our lives have been a blessed whirlwind ever since. Now here we are 13 weeks 4 days along, and your getting bigger by the minute. I was so nervous my first trimester, praying that you would continue to be healthy and grow well, and you did beautifully.Now were in the second trimester, and my nerves have calmed as my belly has grown, so I decided to start this blog for you, and our family and friends to read,and share pictures and memories with. A little bit about you (: You continue to keep everyone guessing whether you'll be a boy or a girl, which makes us laugh alot, we really don't care what you'll be, we just want you to be healthy I crave fruit, my favorites are watermelon, cantaloupe and tomatoes. I also love anything Salty! I eat tons of peanuts. I used to not drink soft drinks, but since Ive been pregnant I drink Coke, Gatorade, and fruit drinks. I crave Root beer floats alot too, which has everyone confused.
                          We can't wait to meet you! (:
                                      With all my love,